Saturday, August 12, 2006

Thoughtful post

I thought I would at least make the effort and post,
well as a start from my point of view not much has happned in my life, just that at this very moment in time I have completed my first week of my two weeks off work and boy has it gone quick took a few photos of 3 cliffs which I shall post soon. Took the kids too see what a tree and beach looks like lol. basically Im coming to point where I get really really creative, as im off work i tend to spend alot of time thinking and becoming creative etc. And when Im in work week in week out its just a mind numbing experience of drumming a keyboard to get pay. But hey its job at the end of the day and not many people got jobs where they sit down all day, so I should be grateful.
Ive just read a brilliant book called the philosophy files which I borrowed from my cousin got loads of intresting facts in it about life, meaning of life, reality etc. Im not going to bore you with the texts but its a bit of eye opener for those of you who like a nice easy read.

Ive spent a hell of alot of time just entering and entering comps over and over and over, please let me win, hopefully I will win..............................
well have to go now may there be many more posting's see ya's

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