Tuesday, August 29, 2006

A Duplicate of the Leightster

I Was Browsing the net this evening, looking at google earth mostly, its an amazing package.
I was absoulutely shocked to come accross a photo in the nantional geographical section of a person who looks the spitting image of me from the side ( Scary)

heres the link to the pic

My Twin in america and Homeless

Ive over heard people's conversations in the past on how they have saw theyre twin in town earlier, and the great myth is that every person has a twin somewhere else on earth, mmm doubles.
Soul mate doubles, Why would the great creator do such a thing, there must be a reason, maybe Ive stubled accross my twin. Now that would be well and truly cool and to find out hes finding his way around life with great difficulty. It makes me think that mine was easy compared to his. I I I Suppose looking at his life makes me feel gratefull for the way things have turned out in mine, but am I scared to face the bravery he has gone through and my shell is too cosy to come out from and discover new things. When My twin has no home but so much vast knowledge of bravery that he would not be scared of what would go wrong, and would not be negative about success but to take that all important leap from his shell that he never had. I hope he's successful whoever he is?

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