I have spent the last few hours lazing about the house, well i've made a spectacular sunday dinner which I thought I started a little too early but the timing was ok, it was acurately amazing as I and the animals were eating by 12.30. Nice to have a real family meal which turned out perfect, I suppose I have got a knack for shit hot cooking. Its all in the knowledge of passed down perfection from my ancestors and stuff, lol. Apart from that I havent done much just cleaned a little, balled and shouted at the kids for trashing our home, I was chuft to see changing one of the channels that France has beat england in the Rugby. I then turned the channel over to find back to the future being shown on the box, which is a must to watch for any fan, even though I have seen it about 500 times its still amazing through my eyes. The trouble is once you have seen it that many times you dont follow the story as much but tend to look for the smallest little mistakes, but it still from this day on gives me that little tingling feeling in my spine when the best bits come on (e.g. the bit with the electricity bolt, where the the doc has to zip down the cable and save marty by connecting the plugs). It did get me thinking a little of the aspect of time being measured by a clock face, can u imagine if time was not measured by the twelve hour clock face which we take for granted for each ache-ing minute of our life. If it was measured by any other means, like some unformal unfimiliar device, would we think, look and realise the same profound nature of time in the same sort of feeling as we do for common clock face.
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