Monday, March 27, 2006
The net is my Oyster
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
Deep sea or Sea Skimmer
Then you got your mid sea swimmers who are happy to delve a little into what they know but not willing to go a little deeper to the fact of there being that little something beyond what they are looking at.
And last but not least the deep sea divers who are in fact bursting with conversation about every aspect of philosophy, technology and science etc. When two deep sea divers are placed in the same room, the conversations could turn out non stop and ultimately amazing. (e.g. Einstein and his group of theoroatrical physists)
There are in fact many different swimmers in the ocean of life, only a few are deep, and I suppose alot are skimmers, the only way im going to split most of the deep sea with the skimmers is, as an example would be what i've wrote here for a start, whoever I find Coming back to me asking me what the hell am I going on about in this entry, then I know for a fact that they are sea skimmers and not potential deep sea divers, due to there lack of intension of not thinking deep about the possibilities of certain peoples minds and taking in my entry
I hope you all understand, I will in fact look deeper into my thoery of the way certain minds work and how deep can a shallow mind go, now thinking about it that would be a challenge. To turn a sea skimmer into a deep thinker (I wonder if it would take a mid life crisis or something for them to actually realise the possibillities of questions and the deep thought of life.)
I suppose the possibilties are endless on this subject I mean how deep can the mind go, how long is a piece of string. But I do know one thing though no matter how much abuse your mind takes, You will in fact always be in control of it untill the very end............( without illness)
Friday, March 17, 2006
When ya tired and need a little boost
Sunday, March 12, 2006
The Common Clockface slows time on Sunday

I have spent the last few hours lazing about the house, well i've made a spectacular sunday dinner which I thought I started a little too early but the timing was ok, it was acurately amazing as I and the animals were eating by 12.30. Nice to have a real family meal which turned out perfect, I suppose I have got a knack for shit hot cooking. Its all in the knowledge of passed down perfection from my ancestors and stuff, lol. Apart from that I havent done much just cleaned a little, balled and shouted at the kids for trashing our home, I was chuft to see changing one of the channels that France has beat england in the Rugby. I then turned the channel over to find back to the future being shown on the box, which is a must to watch for any fan, even though I have seen it about 500 times its still amazing through my eyes. The trouble is once you have seen it that many times you dont follow the story as much but tend to look for the smallest little mistakes, but it still from this day on gives me that little tingling feeling in my spine when the best bits come on (e.g. the bit with the electricity bolt, where the the doc has to zip down the cable and save marty by connecting the plugs). It did get me thinking a little of the aspect of time being measured by a clock face, can u imagine if time was not measured by the twelve hour clock face which we take for granted for each ache-ing minute of our life. If it was measured by any other means, like some unformal unfimiliar device, would we think, look and realise the same profound nature of time in the same sort of feeling as we do for common clock face.
Birthday's Gone By
Tuesday, March 07, 2006
A little of My Philosophy which cooked up Today
Reality is Accepted As Our Prime Option in the Search of New Life, Visions are decided though its Crisp and Clear Reception, Feeling's are Mutual in the Real World. This is more that what we can ask from Creation.
It sounds O.K. doesn't it
Monday, March 06, 2006
De Olde Bloggs
I did also have a blogg with Martin a mate of mine, good site shame he at to take it offline, I would show you what it used to look like but I aint got anywhere to host it nevermind I will update all my past entries and comments to this site so hopefully I will loose nothing. This site is going to hold the history of my life bloggin in archives its going to be a long painfull process but I will try my best to carry it out and not get bored.
oh and also a little feature, I thought it would be nice to show the Mrs is Blogg. Unfortunately she gave up due to not having much time on her hands and loss of interest, its a shame because it was such an amazing blogg I could not get over the response we use to have from the readers due to it being so different, 2 years on and I asked her if she would carry on with it, she replied no point. Which is a damn shame.
Sunday, March 05, 2006
Back to the Future re-lives
I thought it was truly amazing for some one to put together something as awesome as that, it really did give me that tigling feeling you get when you are a kid watching something truly spectacular.
A browse For Funny stuff
The Flying Car (I was laughing for ages after I saw this)
Memoirs of Geisha (I cant wait to see it, it looks really good ha ha ha ha)
The Real Simpsons (it seemed really odd watching this)
These amused me a hell of lot, lol
Saturday, March 04, 2006
A New Hope For Mail
Out for the Count With Flu
Wednesday, March 01, 2006
ASDA trekking
I had a little visit to ASDA last night and had a quick browse in the my favorite mag bbc's Focus. Much to my supprise I noticed a review on a game called legend of mir 3, well not a review has such but a bit of tradgic news for the outcome of one particular occurance. It seems there was a story about a boy in japan who in fact had a little cufuffle with one of his mates about a item that he was not suppose to sell, a knife of some sort which appears to be in the game, which was very rare to game players.
As he was not happy with the results he had from the local police station it all ended in bloodshed, he was suppose to have took the matter into his own hands and stabbed his mate in real life. This has shocked me, knowing that someone would go through the length of killing someone over something that does not exist. I did now know that Fantasy could over come Reality, but in this case it has been proven wrong. I could not imagine for one second how the court case went, The big question is how do they exhibit this piece of evidence (legend of mir 3 sword) which does not exist.
I think that this focus magazine is a shit hot read for people like me who are deep minded, into science, discoveries, inventions, gadgets, Computers, and nature. I for the love me always find it a good read everytime I pick it up, I never find it diss-intresting.
I then went on to read about how computers and the net is affecting peoples lifes. The net is turning into a VR sort of scene of people taking it to the extreme of it being like another life of where you buy and sell land, own possesion's, have jobs, talk to people etc etc (the list goes on)
These are a few sites
Artificial Intelligence's Learning and Growth.
ITS LIKE a GAME NOW BETWEEN PROGRAMMERS, THE NET NOT WHAT IT USED TO BE AYE They asked Will i am if they could make a online representation...
I Thought I would have a quick look of what was on the net and came across this I thought it was the most funniest thing ive see...
One day, I had one of the biggest thoughts that has come across my mind ever. I thought and slowed down and actually questioned the mobid th...