Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Tories Out, Green Party Elected.

Im sorry but this is how i feel about the whole system, Its a fucking mess to the present circumstances we are in. We need to take a national vote and get the green party in. Bikes to cycle (Free Bikes scheme for people at home) promote cycling. Promote Home Acriculture, Promote Growing Everylittle organism and plant in research, Promote Fast Growing. Idea =Government, realeasing a app on trade and treats in ways where you don't have to interact physically (2 metre rule) Geo Gaching, promote games where you walk and interact, Pokemon Go, Ingress, Promote Playing, Games, Reading Books. The Green PArty have been Elected in my eyes, Already. Grow (up Britain)

 Front Line Workers Should have Priority Over all people, They are The Grease Monkeys of this Mess and They are Heroes.

Money is Getting OLd now with the present circumstances. Its a bit like the old money in the fallout game. ww2 money.

In aztec times they used to coffee beans as currency. Once food is traded as currency then it gets Dangerous.

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Artificial Intelligence's Learning and Growth.

 ITS LIKE a GAME NOW BETWEEN PROGRAMMERS, THE NET NOT WHAT IT USED TO BE AYE They asked Will i am if they could make a online representation...