Saturday, September 15, 2012

The Rapture

I was just minding my own business and trying not to get to deep in all this youtube 2012 saga tonight, I was just focusing on the start of makeing my wine, whilst studying   one of the books my mate gave me. I noticed the mention of a winefly. I thought what the the heck is a winefly. I'm guessing it's a small creature that's created from wine. Right so I searched wine fly on google only to find low and behold to my shock and amazement I stumbled upon something totally out of the ordinary from wine makeing lol, and this is it. I do have a far out imagination and I'm very open minded Lol imagine aliens seen as gods taking a load of humans on a massive ship just like the one in close encounters of the third kind or the film cacoon  etc, taking the chosen ones. this is the website with the rapture

 The Rapture- click here 
images of the rapture:
click the link for a nice little film on it : and that ladies and gentlemen is the RAPTURE :-). P.S. I LOVE THE THE ENDING TO THAT FILM AYE, I THINK ITS REALLY AWESOME THE ADAM AND EVE BIT WITH THE FORBIDDEN TREE :-)

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