Tuesday, April 26, 2022

The Hop, Skip, and Jump Method of Reality Perception......

Looking into this Lovely Basic Picture I have Produced. 
Every-time, I look back at this psychological picture, Your/my Eyes seem off centre of the end of a worms tail (tale). Feeling comfortable moving from the left of the published picture you feel a sense of 
dissatach-ment to the world "as you think wow! the earth is miles away, in my mind"
and then a quick elevation (Quantum) into the thought pattern of "oh, I am already here"
On Earth :-)
In-between the diode of the brain and the (tale)do
is the start of the worm holding up the 'k'
(There's a hole the worm comes from, snag that.)
And then when you ponder at the picture you are in the triangle of red Points at the centre of the picture, Thinking for a while,
Your focus then becomes Of a Trian-gler Structure of Thought
Of Depth memory inner perception and Thought Cog-native 
You looked to the bottom, Right.
No That's my Signature
 (The Tesseract - The Blocks of real deity- 
The Building Of Reality is / has already been completed 


A nice cold refreshing can of eridu.



Thursday, April 21, 2022

Over all Platform, The Tesla Glasses In Calaboration With Microsoft Team to Make the ultimate VR/AR Package iNTO A cONSTRUCT Holodeck of Blank Canvas.....


The Construct

 I am suprised that Designers, have not designed a Virtual Reality Construct (Disney Film - Wreck it Ralph- The Inbetween parts of meeting when Managers are walking to the meetings - and brainstorming on what they are going to Perform and Present to the staff of the organisation next). I have heard stories from torie's that they hold their urine in meetings not for their minds to wonder off and focus more- that's a mad one ain't it) A Simple Virtual Reality Blank Canvas (artisan) for People to Create in Whilst the 3D Printer creating and Printing the Canvas on what you have created whilst still in the VR construct, you decide that you want to make it INTO a NFT with value behind your image, You Then Decide that you want it as A 3d augmented virtual reality pet that you can see through your glasses that lambs you and follows you around that you can feed and stuff (whilst your augmented shades are on of course!) The Results Of this Website have A massive impact on the world and every known person is playing this new game of augmented pets through these augmented sunglasses that Like (Google Cardboard)  that are really easily obtainable by people. The Glasses already hold their Identity not the person, they synch with the person but they not attached, they are attached to a QR CODE which the glasses of the wearer decide the value of them by Ai Judgement. So The Glasses Work and Pay for themselves Like attached to a Bitcoin Miner. So the Value of Glasses are Priceless, And Part of Ai, making them a really simple access tool into the Augmented World of Learning and Ease of Life Skills. 

VR atisan Leighton Oh right! 

Wednesday, April 20, 2022

 He's a writer and illustrator (I know)

But he hasn't published anything yet, no books, nothing just a lousy little blogg he's kept as his life's work 

On Esoteric Thinking and Paradigm Perception.

He Works on Paradigm shift 

all the weird things that people wouldn't go near a (As such)

From a Young Age Hypontism, WitchCraft, Ouijaboards, and paradigm thinking have Thrived My mind with Excitement. 



Artificial Intelligence's Learning and Growth.

 ITS LIKE a GAME NOW BETWEEN PROGRAMMERS, THE NET NOT WHAT IT USED TO BE AYE They asked Will i am if they could make a online representation...