Yes! We are Wrong about Gravity, Our Perception Changes with new up to date models of Hypothesis as time goes on, The pan Ultimate truth about Gravity is that Every single molecule that makes a object holds a Mass Gravity (Foam) of its own.
As through our Perception all Humans have been Born into a world of Gravity (Gravity Laws) so we cannot see the persona Outside The Earths Gravity from our perception at the beginning of our own time.
As soon as you brought into this world you see the whole outlook of what Gravity is, Its given a label (GRavity) and a object to the world of invisible force that we accept and don't Question? Just relate to Graphs of the past that we have been shown.
Its not the Gravity Force of the planet that Changes But the Foam mass of the object that you holding on that planet. The mass Molecules change of the object
As with if you were holding the object in space on a space craft with no gravity then the mass molecules in that object would be meta mopha sized into its Surroundings and en-viroment Giving the Object its True Mass Foam.
e.g. A stone =The mass (Molecules) foam inside the Object Changes, (not the influence of gravity, which we all believe from our Gravity Perception).
ITs Aliev
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