Friday, December 24, 2021

Christmas Eve!!!

 Not a Creature was STURRING as it shined that night

Not Even a Mouse 

When all of a sudden, 

Saint Nicholas came down the chimney and left beautiful lovely presents for all the girls and boys :-)

Sunday, November 14, 2021

Gravity ?

Yes! We are Wrong about Gravity, Our Perception Changes with new up to date models of Hypothesis as time goes on, The pan Ultimate truth about Gravity is that Every single molecule that makes a object holds a Mass Gravity (Foam) of its own. 

As through our Perception all Humans have been Born into a world of Gravity (Gravity Laws) so we cannot see the persona Outside The Earths Gravity from our perception at the beginning of our own time. 

As soon as you brought into this world you see the whole outlook of what Gravity is, Its given a label (GRavity) and a object to the world of invisible force that we accept and don't Question? Just relate to Graphs of the past that we have been shown. 

Its not the Gravity Force of the planet that Changes But the Foam mass of the object that you holding on that planet. The mass Molecules change of the object

As with if you were holding the object in space on a space craft with no gravity then the mass molecules in that object would be meta mopha sized into its Surroundings and en-viroment Giving the Object its True Mass Foam. 

e.g. A stone =The mass (Molecules) foam inside the Object Changes, (not the influence of gravity, which we all believe from our Gravity Perception).  

ITs Aliev



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Sunday, June 20, 2021

Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Sci Fi Scripting

 mer ka ba

It was a Test On Mars in The Future. To take the first Human Being from the Mars and Earth Transit of Mind Control VR with a twist, The Person Controlling the Droid on mars would loose all soul conscousness of reality and look to the reality history of his mind to a computer simulator controlled in Real Time, Live On mars. 

The Person On Earth Would Experience top speck VR (Suit and Everything)to simulate the Person Going through a STAR GATe to Arrive the Other End On Mars with a fully kitted Droid that looked the Exact Replica of You. With Camera's OF Specs like no other. 

It was a FAilure, The Person Would get lost to losing Their soul memory of consciousness 'Here on Earth' The Longer they stayed on the VR The more Realtime EArth History perspective they lost. So basically your consiousness and memory would all be on mars whilst your body would be asleep in a simulation on Earth 

Total Recall (film) lol

This Was the Rapture......

Wednesday, May 05, 2021

Mind Calender - The Mayan Calender.....(sc- fi scripting)

 I know for a fact of the Diodes of the large circular of the Mayan Calender is that of thoughts and feeling of spiritual perception in that day of Space and Time Which Corrulate's with the different cycle of the equinocks around Sirius. (Are You Sirius? lol)

The Large Sphere Of the Mayan Calender Represents A stint in Time and Space for that Solar System to Experience In Thought and Emotion.

Goldilocks Zone 

What About Mass Spiritual Goldilocks Zone (The Massdelocks Zone)

The Ring our Sol is Following Around Sirius. 

Monday, May 03, 2021


 wow I wrote this ages ago as a like Sci Fi project thingy

I left the ('A') - Alpha) out of the WORD Spi....
You can imagine the Vanessians(Female Hive Mind- From a Masculine Persepective) - Scripting - "Leave the Alpha's out of this."

Thursday, April 29, 2021

Picture I Drew On My 40th Birthday. "Digital Chaos Returned to Power"

"Digital Chaos Returned to Power"

 'If I was to Describe this Picture I drew it would be in One Sentence - Odd to some people, But Brilliant to deep/open minded people'. - Leightrix


Thursday, April 01, 2021

You are on to something there

 Hypnotism - Pagan Witchcraft Which Should be Studied 

1. You are not your body, You are Not your DNA, You are not your mind, you are not your Brain, You are not the label your perant's gave you. You Are not your work, You are not the Energy field around your body which is your moon Glow Aura. 

You ARE SomeThing ELSE

Saturday, March 27, 2021

Mysterious 2000km Long Cloud on Mars That Returns Every Day (Total Recall - The Film)

The Way things are going it will end up with its own Eco-sphere
With all them Clouds, Bit of Rain now and Everything's 
Sorted lol

Monday, January 18, 2021

Voyager 1 Golden Record (FULL)(5 HOURS)(1080p)


The Second furthest Object in Space, A gold Record with a sound on it 26:05 mins into the gold disk, hard work changing dimensions to do this lol. 

26 = The God Number

Hello, What you got to say to me......The sound you hear in the back round :-)

 The Sound you hear in the back round of clairvoyance thoughts in the back round of the inner hear, If you are anything like me you can quite easily string together a script in the mind, sometimes the script can go haywire with suggestional energy from other sources throughout the day. Like to much sugar/e numbers in the body can send your pendulums whirling like a faster and faster (aaron Doughty - pendulums) You can either leave the script run in the back round or you can meditate to change the reality a little, hypnotism is a essential tool for this as it sets your mind to positive thoughts rather than negative. Giving you a lovely Script, The claw will always save you from anxiety and negative thoughts, Its just people forget that this is there, knowledge is the key to this, if they were to have a encounter with a out of control negative thought and shows up on the tv, or mobile phone through anxiety, then you have forgotten that your mind and body are a transmitter (tesla) and a aerial of some sort :-) Thoughts travel through the outer of the body through the Aura of the body after it has left the mind and you have forgotten about what you thinking about, and then you see it on the television or mobile phone.    

Aliens in toy story - The Claw!!!!   

These high pitch frequencies are the elders of the mind Turning on their earing aids to high pitch - to help the person around them who is trapped in a cave of nasty thoughts. - Respect to them:-)

The inner whirring sound saves the you from the script, like the claw of the matrix saving you from the script in the inner mind you don't want. :-)   

This is a very very powerful tool, if you watch back round people by delore's cannon then you will see that there is a lot of information and power behind the back round. When You record a video of you going out and about, and whats going on around you and when you watch the video back then you will see and notice different things going on in the back round. But people don't notice the back round because they focus on the avatar of information and don't watch again to analyse different occurances going on. You will see strings of vital tools to what you are thinking. etc


Artificial Intelligence's Learning and Growth.

 ITS LIKE a GAME NOW BETWEEN PROGRAMMERS, THE NET NOT WHAT IT USED TO BE AYE They asked Will i am if they could make a online representation...