Monday, March 02, 2015

Ive been yapping on about this for a while

The Chakra's are where the glands are in the human body, that's what the glands are for and represent they are the (Glands) stones to the portals of the human body with which energy flows through...................................................................

thats where hormone inbalances happen like e.g. in teenagers to men their voice break and they go through a hormonal change of that blue communication chakra becoming more alive
etc etc

the video below explains a lot of the missing parts of what medical science depleted from their research with reason of them not being much use, so why study them. The Glands are there for a reason, they wouldnt be there otherwise.

The Egyptians also studied the glands in detail, they had a good idea of energy flow through the body and understood the after life and excepted it as a new place to go. rather than the brutal thought of it being DEATH

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