Saturday, February 17, 2007

A Real Simulation of Overtime

I done a little bit of overtime today Started off as one of those mindless days where You dont awaken for a while, Then all of a sudden with a little bit of coxing conversation I came alive around break time. I had these wonderfull would be ideas of what I was going to do with my day but it turned into a couch potato day (dont know why, my motivation lately feels as if its gone right down the plug hole) but never the less I came up with few little ideas with the help of my inspiration, my Focus magazine. I think Ive been reading it for most of the day (lovit).
And after reading 90% of last months issue before reading the next one the things that intrested me the most was shown on the following sites :
A site on where you take a test to see what super hero matches your criteria
A site which delves deep into Research on the subconcious mind (Right up my street)

then there is a big section on 'creating your own universe'

where this stood out the most to me :

A little arguement on 'us as Humans living in a computer simulation, the possibilities of it being real'

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