Saturday, August 29, 2009

2012 theory

what you think of this then for a theory
the theory ?

Monday, August 24, 2009

Economy collapsing

U know if all of a sudden if all the buildings in the world that hold the financial status of every indiviual didn't exist all of a sudden what would you do? Notes and currency would become obselete, all the money u saved didn't exist, and there wouldn't be a thing u could do about, if they all the buildings in the country got destroyed all of a sudden by a massive earthquake. The people who are rich in possesions would become richer, and those possesions that could produce needed essentials would become priority, knowledge of basic defensive living and survival would be top of the list. If this was it, paper with the queens head would be worthless but produce produced by locals would be rich. Trading and bartering would be essential. Only the strongest independent people would survive.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

just a little research into an interest

just a quick entry on what i was watching this sunday morning, I found a good site (blogg) which shows things maybe going to happen in 2012, take a look

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


(Looking at it in a fantasy way )The goverment are a greedy load of fucking vampires. Squeezing every drop of fucking blood(money) from us through a Daylight robbery word that is acccepted by society as the word tax. I mean tax a little like (we gotta have tax), but they being fucking beyond and greedy and taxing everyfucking thing until we have no blood left to give. As the saying goes we give all our blood and sweat to working hard only to have it taken off us by greedy theifs which got permission to do it because they have the law behind them (the law = the legal mafia)

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

A work of heart

doodle dougs work of art

Artificial Intelligence's Learning and Growth.

 ITS LIKE a GAME NOW BETWEEN PROGRAMMERS, THE NET NOT WHAT IT USED TO BE AYE They asked Will i am if they could make a online representation...