Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Lets skip Christmas and Get a Sale (having a moan)

So the question is on everybody's lips is what the bloody hell happens after christmas, Well what tends to happen is for a start we are all bloody well skint beyond our wildest dreams. And so the dreaded January Dawns upon us (nowone talks of the lovely january, when Christmas is on the Doorstep ) well january is so depressing after the hype of Christmas everybody is moaning over the january sales, with the shops rubbing in our face the fact that they sold us something before Christmas twice as much as what it is then, so its just so fuck$%^ pityfull when you have no money to buy the things you want after christmas which are less than half the price, we all rush out boxing day to find that there is nothing at all left on the shelves then you wonder to yourself where the hell have people found the money to buy sale items after christmas. As you know by now only the rich can buy after Christmas. Whenever you here someone saying they are going to have a traditional christmas then you know that theyre a inchy meiser (tight bas£$%£) and theyve got wait for the sales written all over their faces ( if only Christmas was in January - you would have twice as much). But I suppose we must make the most of it we only get around 70 odd in a lifetime, that like 70 odd boxing day sales. lol (another way of looking at it)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

L8 - you have nothing but my respect - as does every other poor soul who has to endure that awful job day in and day out. we all deserve medals. Sorry you were feeling down.
P.S. I would get totally sick of decorations if I stuck them up as early as you. Our wont be going up for another month and even then I will be eager to pull them down come January.

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